Looking for a Natural Stop Snoring Remedy?

Posted by chocolate_cake2529 at 19:29

Cures for snoring abound, and you can go online or walk into any pharmacy or retail store and see problems dozens of items that promise to help you stop snoring. But before you try some harsh chemicals or decide to that some type of invasive and risky surgery is the answer, you might want to consider a natural stop snoring remedy. There are several that are available and that have yielded good results for those that have used them.

As an example, you may not consider it to be a natural stop snoring remedy, but have you thought about quitting smoking? Smoking is one of the worst things you can do to your body overall, but is also a leading cause of snoring. It dries the throat and mouth, and causes congestion in the lungs. Many smokers have a hard time breathing when they're awake, much less when they try to sleep! So it may not seem like a natural snoring remedy since you won't see it in a health food store, but smoking cessation is one of the most natural ways you can find to help your snoring.

Another natural stop snoring remedy you might try is anything in the form of an inhaler or spray that will coat your throat and your tongue. Dry air passages in the back of your throat cause more snoring as your breathing causes the membranes in your throat to vibrate more then they are dry. Additionally, when your nose and nasal passages are plugged, you're more likely to breathe through your mouth. Any natural snoring remedy that contains menthol or eucalyptus oil will probably do the trick, and these clear your sinuses for several hours.

Additionally, keeping your room comfortable, well-ventilated, and at a good humidity level is also helpful. Putting a vaporizer or humidifier in your bedroom may not seem like much of a natural snoring remedy, but many people report that it does make a difference. And, your doctor will probably tell you that a great, all-natural stop snoring remedy that anyone can try is to lose weight. Excess body weight puts undue pressure on the neck and sinuses, cutting off air flow during the night. Many overweight persons have reported great results with their snoring after losing even just a few pounds, so it's definitely a remedy worth trying!