Some Tips on How to Prevent Snoring

Posted by chocolate_cake2529 at 01:53

Many people wonder how to prevent snoring, either for themselves or for the person they're trying to get some sleep next to! Snoring can be a serious issue if it's causing a chronic lack of sleep, which can lead to a host of health problems. This includes daytime sleepiness, irritability and mood swings, brain damage from a consistent lack of oxygen, and even death in some cases. So it's important to learn how to prevent snoring before it becomes and issue that gets out of hand and you find that your insomnia is literally killing you - or the person trying to sleep next to you!

Losing Weight is Part of How to Prevent Snoring

No one likes to hear that they're overweight and chances are no one wants to know that their weight problem is what is causing their snoring. However, losing weight can be a crucial part of how to prevent snoring. How so?

Sometimes an overweight person can experience what is called sleep apnea, where the extra weight on the back of the neck pushes down on the airways and causes one to choke or gasp for breath. We confuse these sounds with actual snoring, but sleep apnea is a serious condition that needs to be treated. Some have suffered serious health consequences because of it, and if you are overweight enough that you are experiencing sleep apnea then chances are you are having other health problems due to your weight as well. Part of how to prevent snoring is keeping those airways open and clear so that you don't make those sounds of snorting, choking, gasping and wheezing.

Another reason that weight loss is part of how to prevent snoring is that someone that is overweight may also notice that their sinuses begin to collapse, which causes snoring. We don't often think of excess body weight as causing problems with our sinuses and our breathing overall, but this is what happens. So as painful as it may be to hear, if you're overweight you might want to consider a good diet and plenty of exercise as part of your plan of how to prevent snoring.

Watching How You Sleep is Part of How to Prevent Snoring

If you've been shopping around for snoring relief for some time, you may have noticed certain products such as snore pillows and nasal strips and might have wondered if these actually work. For many, they provide quite a bit of relief from snoring and can be part of how to prevent snoring in the first place.

Snore pillows work by cradling your head and neck so that they're in perfect alignment; this keeps your head from falling back and your mouth from falling open so that you breathe through your nose and not your mouth. Since snoring is usually caused when one breathes through their mouth, this can stop it before it begins. Nasal strips also gently pull your nasal passages open from the outside so that you can get more air in through your nose. This too keeps you from breathing through your mouth.

All of these methods that keep your mouth closed and your nose open are part of how to prevent snoring.

If you're looking for other ways in how to prevent snoring more permanently, you can approach your dentist as well as your medical doctor. Sometimes it's the way the mouth and jaw are formed that causes one to snore, and your dentist can take a mold of your jaw and fit you with a mouth guard that will help keep you from snoring.