What is Sleep Apnea?

Posted by chocolate_cake2529 at 19:09

Sleep apnea is a term that is being used quite commonly these days. We hear of a number of adults and children alike who are said to be suffering from this sleeping disorder. So, what is this sleep disease? Well, this really is a medical condition where the breathing of an individual reduces by almost 25% of the normal breathing and at times even stops completely for a period of ten seconds, sometimes even more.

This stoppage of airflow happens when an individual is sleeping resulting in sleep disruption as normal breathing begins only after a snort or a snore and sometimes a sound that resembles choking. The next question would be, what is sleep apnea doing to the person who is suffering from it? Sleep apnea causes the level of oxygen in the blood to drop by 4% and the disturbed sleep pattern causes daytime drowsiness. Furthermore chronic conditions can either be caused or worsened by these types of sleeping issues and these include conditions such as congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, mood swings and disorders and strokes.

Signs and symptoms

Once a person understands what is this sleeping issue is he/she must try to find out what are the signs and symptoms that indicate that this disorder persists in him/her. As this disorder takes place when an individual is sleeping, it is very important for people around you to take a note of your sleeping patterns. One must also be aware of the signals that one gets. Characterized by chronic and loud snoring with gaps and pauses, people suffering from sleep apnea will snore loudly when they sleep lying on their back. Symptoms of this type of sleeping condition also include:

• Headaches in the morning,

• Concentration and memory problems

• Irritability, depression and mood swings

• Urge to urinate in the night

• A very parched and dry throat when first arising

Sleeping Issues in children

As mentioned earlier, sleep apnea is a condition that can affect both adults and children. However, the number of children affected by sleep apnea is fewer in comparison to adults. So, what is sleep apnea in children and are the symptoms in children any different from adults? Well, children who suffer from sleep apnea have erratic sleeping patterns and tend to wet their bed frequently. Some of the other symptoms of sleep apnea in children are:

• Irritability because of lack of sleep

• Hyperactivity

• Trouble concentrating on studies

• Sleeping in unusual positions

• Breathing through their mouth while awake.

Treatment and cure

Knowing what this condition is and understanding its symptoms is the way forward. Understand the signals that your body sends out that normally go undetected. It is also important to know that just because a person snores he may or may not have sleep apnea. This sleeping condition can be confirmed with the help of some tests, physical examinations and sleep studies. Sometimes even family history of this disorder can be contributory to your condition.

However, if you find any of the above mentioned symptoms consult your primary care physician and get your condition diagnosed. Your physician will recommend a suitable treatment after running a few tests and may also suggest that you meet a sleep specialist.