Anti-snore Pillows - Are They Really Helpful?

Posted by chocolate_cake2529 at 06:46

Snoring could make one's life miserable for a lot of people around him are complaining for that disorder. It could affect a person's social life and another person's health. Trying different drugs and other treatments to eliminate snoring could be sometimes uninteresting. If you are tired of trying different stuffs and drained of hearing other people complain regarding your snoring, try to consider using the anti-snore pillows. It has proven to provide great benefits for the person suffering from this problem.

Sleep apnea is a disorder that causes snoring because of a blocked air passage. Of course, a person who snores may not have sleep apnea, just mucus blockages. There are no blood tests to help diagnose this problem, so it is best to consult with a professional. Other causes for snoring can be obesity, high blood pressure, using too many pillows, congestion, wrong sleeping position, drugs like antihistamines and sleeping pills, smoking, alcohol, or a narrow nasal passage.

This is because of many factors and not only limited to being overweight, old age or muscle weakness in the throat. The anti-snore pillow will give your neck and head the right positioning and support in order to maintain the airway wide open and your mouth close.

These pillows are made into different varieties. There are pillows for side sleepers and for back sleepers. They have different sizes and shapes. It is ideal if you pick a pillow that will fit your sleeping position and also the position of your head and neck. The pillow will give the support needed by the head and neck in order to keep the mouth close while sleeping. This will keep the inside of the mouth from drying and then, it will decrease the chance of snoring.

Anti-snore pillows could be bought with prices ranging from $30 to $100 and above. It will depend on the size, style and the materials used. The benefits of these pillows are so many. Snoring is not only the problem of the snorer but also a problem to other people which gives them too much stress due to annoying sounds that interrupts sleep. People who snore may not be aware of it. If this problem will be eliminated, it will be beneficial for both sides. Anyone who experienced it and overcome the habit will understand how devastating it could be.

Since snoring is the blockage of the air passageway, your body
somehow struggles and finds way in order to keep breathing. This situation will keep the person from having a deep valuable sleep. The good thing in eliminating the snoring, you will keep other people happy and yourself happy too. You will finally enjoy and will have a good nice sleep without the heavy snoring before. So, roam around and try to find particular anti-snore pillows that will fit your taste. A good pillow completes the task of bringing you a nice sleep and will be worth as an investment.


Dan said...

A good (or the right pillow) is a quite stiff pillow which is not too high or too big. Your head must be ON it and not IN it. Your head should be straight (horizontal) In other words, you must fill up the space created by your shoulder, the space between your bed and the side of your face. (approximately 5 Inches.) Then you should sleep with your head near to the edge of the pillow, left or right, so that the front of your face would be free from the pillow.

sleep apnea symptoms