How Snoring Mouth Guards Can Help You Stop Snoring

Posted by chocolate_cake2529 at 07:02

Snoring mouth guards, or "mandibular advancement splints" as they are properly called, are arguably the most popular of the stop snoring devices. These are definitely not "one size fits all" (pun intended) since prices range from a few dollars to several hundred dollars. However, just because they are popular and there are lots to choose from doesn't necessarily mean that one will work for you.

Before you pop the bucks for a mouth guard, you must first understand why you snore. Snoring isn't "one size fits all" either. Different people snore in different ways, which means that snoring solutions will be different as well. If you buy a snoring mouth guard before knowing what causes you to snore, you could end up disappointed because you bought something that doesn't work for you.

You can go to a sleep center or consult a medical professional to help you determine why you snore, but your partner can also help, and that's a lot cheaper. Since your snoring is keeping her awake anyway, ask her to note your mouth position, your body position and your head position when you snore. This may be all the help you need.

If you snore through you mouth and your tongue falls back into your airway when you sleep, you are a good candidate for a mouth guard. Since your muscles, including your jaw and tongue, relax deeply when you sleep, a guard helps by gently moving the jaw slightly forward, keeping the airway free. Some guards also exert a slight amount of pressure on the tongue, holding it in place.

If you are hesitant about buying a top of the line mouth guard, you can start out with an inexpensive "boil and bite" guard. You first soak it in hot water and then bite on it to mold it to your jaw. Often, this type is all that some people need to get relief from snoring. Once you ascertain that it's working for you and you are comfortable sleeping with it, you might want to consider a custom-fitted model to take your snoring solution to the next level.

Properly fitted snoring mouth guards allow snorers to get full, restful nights' sleep. Many snorers don't realize how constantly tired they have been until they stop snoring and finally get a good night's sleep
. Their partners can get an uninterrupted night's sleep too! If you are a chronic snorer, for the sake of your health, you really should get your snoring under control, and a stop snoring mouth guard might just be the ticket.