Low Quality of Sleep From Snoring

Posted by chocolate_cake2529 at 19:23

More than 40 million Americans of all ages regularly fail to get a good night of sleep due to snoring. This number is more than one-eighth of the US population.

At least 84 percent of snorers and people effected by snoring lead to a lowered quality of life and reduced personal health. Some snoring if it leads to sleep apnea can be life threatening.

Loud snoring can be a sign of something seriously wrong with patient breathing during one-third of their life.

Overall, about two-thirds of older adults report experiencing then self's or their spouse snores every night.

Quality of sleep can be greatly decreased due to loud snoring. Many have reported the loss of more than 2 hours of sleep every night from their spouse's snoring.

With one person snoring, and the other one laying there awake, or falling asleep and waken up every few minutes can lead many couples to resorting to sleeping in different rooms.

Many people seek a better night's sleep in separate rooms due to snoring, but at the same time this can destroy a relationship, or leave relationship without intimacy.

With a lack of sleep can cause your day to day lifestyle to be greatly affected. Being tired from less hours of sleep can affect your work and daily routine.

A person work performance can be greatly diminished due to a poor night's sleep. Many other factors in a person day to day routine can be affected, like simple tasks like drive a vehicle can be very difficult and unsafe if you are tired from a low quality of sleep.