Ways to Stop Snoring

Posted by chocolate_cake2529 at 08:13

Are you looking for ways to stop snoring?

Snoring is present in almost half of the adult population of the world. It is the most common cause of sleep disorder that affects people. However; doctors say most snoring is harmless and there are many ways available to stop it and these include losing weight, avoiding sleeping pills, tranquilizers, and avoiding alcohol.

Snoring is noisy breathing during sleep , it is a sound made in the upper airway of your throat as you sleep. It is a sign that air is not freely flowing through the throat passageway. Usually there is some type of blockage, such as swollen tissue, in one or more of the passages from the mouth or nose to the lungs. The noise of snoring is caused by parts of the nose and throat, in particular the soft palate, vibrating as you breathe in and out.

Most of the time snoring is considered not dangerous, but if serious it can become a life threatening sickness called sleep apnea.When loud snoring is interrupted by frequent episodes of totally obstructed breathing, it is known as obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is sometimes called the snoring disease because snoring is one of the symptoms. However , snoring is not sleep apnea, and sleep apnea is not snoring.You may have your doctor to check up for you to determine which is which.

Snoring , in my point of view , is perhaps more of a social problem than a medical problem. Why do i said that ? Because it hurts relationship , and it is disruptive to family life. Do you know that snoring is one of the main causes of marital disharmony ? That's why there are so many people looking for ways to stop snoring.

There is a way with no surgery, no aids, no medication and no strips to stop snoring , it is something as simple as exercise .As we had already known that snoring is always caused by some kind of block in the breathing passage .Now ,no matter what blocks the breathing passage, the cure to stop snoring is always opening up the throat and getting rid of the blockage .So how do we do that?

There are exercises that designed to help a person to stop snoring. The Stop Snoring Exercise Program Will Cure Snoring Naturally by exercising the muscles in the throat ,tongue and doing breathing exercises can completely cure your snoring as having a weak tongue, throat, or jaw all block your airways.

Here is a simple exercise that opens up your throat... and removes one of the most common blocks that cause snoring: That is a tense jaw.

Let's begin by putting your upper and lower molars together , then open your mouth pressing the molars as wide a part as you can, without stretching. You need to repeat this ten to twenty times...only focus on your molars. Putting the molars together and then lowering your jaw... like hinges on a door, for about 20 times in a row.

After about 5 to 10 times you will feel your jaw muscles strengthening and the back of your mouth opening up. This is the weak tissue that you are contracting, which you feel opening up your airways after the exercise .

The muscles you now feel contracting in the back of your throat... are one of the main problem areas in your snoring. So if you felt them opening up, it's mean the exercise works . When the airways are blocked, the air has trouble getting into the lungs... and as it passes the narrow tissue, it starts "flapping" back and forth, which causes the loud snoring sound.

But strengthening the jaw alone won't cure your snoring , because there are few causes for snoring , and often that combination of "air-blocks" makes your snoring not easy to cure.

If you are looking for ways to stop snoring , the stop snoring exercise program will be able to help you because they are directly aimed at your "weaker muscles", which are blocking your airways... instead of removing them (like in surgery) or pushing them aside (like those incredibly uncomfortable devices they make you wear in your mouth).

For more information on the Stop Snoring Exercise Program , please visit