3 Self-Help Tips To Stop Snoring

Posted by chocolate_cake2529 at 03:58

Is your snoring becoming a problem for you or your partner (or even other people in your household)? If so, these three tips may help get rid of the problem for you.

Sleeping Position

Sleeping on your back can make a snoring problem considerably worse. Often sleeping on your side or your stomach will improve it or even make it go away completely.

Your partner might elbow you in the ribs to make you turn over, but that's probably not the ideal method to use.

There are quite a few specially designed pillows that encourage your body to sleep on its side, making it less likely that you'll roll over on your back while asleep. You may want to investigate these pillows to see if they may be for you.

An old-fashioned, but effective way to avoid sleeping on your back is really quite simple. Put a tennis ball in a sock and pin it to the back of your pajamas. If you roll over in your sleep, the discomfort will make you automatically move back to your side.

Food and Drink

Alcohol is a common contributing factor to snoring. It causes your throat and neck muscles to relax, leading to a blockage of the airway. The effort to breathe through these blocked passages can cause snoring.

If you can't stop drinking alcohol entirely, try to avoid drinking it for at least 4 hours before going to sleep. This will give your body time to process it and decrease the chance of snoring.

If you're allergic to any foods, they can sometimes lead to snoring as well. The allergic reaction can cause inflamation in your throat, again causing a partial or complete blockage of the airways.

Excessive Weight

When you are overweight, you often have fatty deposits around your neck and throat. This can lead to your airways being blocked while you're asleep, leading to snoring.

Think of it like this - if you have a double chin, that extra tissue presses down on your throat while you're lying down.

Obviously, the solution to this problem is to lose some of the extra weight you're carrying around.

These are far from all the causes of snoring, but they are 3 of the more common ones. As with all health-related issues, you should always consult with a health-care professional to get their informed opinion before taking any drastic measures.