The Different Types Of Snoring

Posted by chocolate_cake2529 at 20:27

Snoring is a very annoying habit and more so for the snorer's partner. Recent studies are now showing that snoring is linked to high blood pressure (hypertension) and other coronary problems and this has taken snoring from mere annoyance to a serious health hazard.

There are many different types of snoring from slightly laborious breathing to the mechanical roar that wakes up neighbors and there are also many reasons stipulated as the cause of snoring. However, all reasons finally come down to something that blocks the air passages causing the tissues to vibrate and produce the snoring sound. The back of the mouth is collapsible and the tongue, upper throat, and soft palate, and uvula come together here. During snoring, these 4 parts strike against each other to produce the vibration that we know as snoring.

Weak muscles in the throat or tongue can lead to snoring. When muscles are weak, or too relaxed through alcohol or sleep inducing drugs, the back of the mouth just collapses in a heap depending on sleeping position. The same thing happens during naturally occurring deep sleep when the body is in a maximum state of relaxation.

Too much fat or bulkiness in the throat tissue also causes snoring. This is why children with big tonsils end up snoring. Overweight and obese people have the same problem.

Individuals with a long soft palate or uvula will also have snoring problems as the extra length narrows the opening from nose to throat. A long uvula only makes matters worse.

Nasal infection or other respiratory problems that block the airways can also lead to snoring. This is why cold season often brings on a bout of snoring that goes away with the infection. A sinus infection or hay fever season is also a known cause.

Nose or nasal septum deformities also obstruct air passage and cause snoring.