3 Top Snoring Remedies That Work

Posted by chocolate_cake2529 at 00:28

Snoring doesn't just affect the snorer -- who usually doesn't get a proper night's sleep -- it can also seriously affect their sleeping partner and even the rest of the family sleeping in the house.

Too many times, the outcome is that partners sleep in separate rooms - which isn't an ideal state in a marriage or relationship -- or, even worse, split up and / or divorce because of snoring.

That's why it's so important to find a cure for snoring. And it can certainly be prevented because there are many snoring treatments, devices and home remedies available to the sufferer. So, whether you're the snorer, or the spouse or partner of the snorer, you need to get to know the snoring remedies that work.

In this short article I now discuss three natural remedies that can work very well if they are followed exactly, plus, other snoring remedies that some people find useful...

Natural Snoring Remedies that Work

1. Lose That Weight

People who are overweight are more likely to suffer from snoring. This is because excess body fat, especially around the neck area, puts pressure on the airways resulting in turbulent airflow that causes the soft tissue to vibrate, causing snoring.

2. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Being as healthy as you can be can help to reduce the chances of snoring. Introduce a daily exercise program such as brisk walking, eat healthy well-balanced meals, stop smoking, avoid alcohol and don't take sedative-type drugs. And reduce the stress in your life.

3. Avoid Meals and Alcohol Before Bedtime

Eating just before going to bed is a bad idea for a potential snorer. This is because of the pressure that the ingested food puts on your diaphragm, causing it too have to work harder, thus causing snoring. Aim to have your last meal at least 3 hours before you go to bed, to give your food time to digest.

If you do decide to reduce alcohol rather than avoid it altogether, make sure you don't drink prior to going to bed at night. Alcohol can depress your central nervous system, resulting in the muscles in your jaw and throat becoming relaxed and so blocking your airways. This results in snoring.

These are just 3 natural snoring remedies, that if followed properly, can help to prevent you, or your partner's snoring.

But, there are other ways to stop snoring at night and these can be used in conjunction with the three remedies discussed above for extra assurance...

Alternative Snoring Remedies

Many sufferers find that using stop snoring devices can be effective. These are things like snore pillows, chin straps, nasal strips, and dental mouthpieces, etc.

Change of sleeping position. This is quite popular although nearly impossible to do unless you use an aid to help you. For example, you can buy a special device that you fasten around your waist that forces you onto your side when sleeping. And some snore pillows can do similar.

Use a steam vaporizer to reduce snoring. This works for those who have ongoing nasal congestion, a trigger for snoring. By using a vaporizer to 'un-clog' the mucus, you can open up the airways again, thus allowing free airflow and no snoring.

So there you have 3 top natural snoring remedies, plus, 3 other remedies to help you, or your partner, to stop snoring. And remember that snoring affects everyone not just the snorer! So, you owe it to yourself and your partner to cure that snore.